Middle School Student Newsletter, 11/2/18

Welcome back to the Quest Middle School Newsletter!

We have some big news this week. We had a new student join the class! Her name is… drumroll please… Ciel! Welcome to the Quest community. We are so lucky to have you, and you are a wonderful addition to our little school house!  

This Monday the Quest cross country team ran in the Rhode Island state championships. The meet was a wonderful conclusion to the running season. The small but mighty Quest team ran hard and fast. They finished strong and accomplished great things.

Middle School Student Newsletter, 11/2/18
Cross Country Before Their Final Meet


This week has been packed with adventure like the trip to the Narrow River. The trip was very successful in terms of learning about water quality testing and the animals that live there. While there we broke into two groups and tested the water for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, nitrate, BOD, coliform bacteria, phosphate, and turbidity. In addition to the testing, we also observed and sketched the habitat around us. URI lets us use the Women’s Rowing dock to get water samples. Let’s give them a big hand for everything they do for Quest!

Narrow River Watershed Guest

On Thursday, Dr. Veronica Berounsky, marine research scientist and researcher for the Narrow River Preservation Society, came in to talk to us about the Narrow River watershed. We learned about fecal coliform bacteria in the river and the pioneering research to train dogs to detect the contamination. Some of the information was quite shocking, and the entire experience will not be forgotten.

Middle School Student Newsletter, 11/2/18
The class with Veronica and a map of the Narrow River watershed

Ribbon Cutting Event

Also on Thursday, the school officially opened the new multi-purpose “barn” with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Our 8th Graders, Max and Kristalia helped hold the ribbon.

From Your Middle School Correspondent,

J. Coghlin